Eating Smaller Portions

Eating Smaller Portions

As you work to eat for heart health, do consider eating smaller portions. It's easy to eat larger portions than you need, racking up more calories and fat than you are aware of. Once you learn about proper portion sizes and stick to them, you will discover quick...

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Good Fat Verses Bad Fat

Good Fat Verses Bad Fat

When eating to improve heart health, it is important to avoid bad fats in your diet. While some fats, such as the Omega 3s found in olive oil, are healthy; other fats can be detrimental to your health. Saturated and trans fats are both fats that you should be...

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Juicing for Health

Juicing for Health

You'd be amazed at how good some vegetables taste when you mix the flavor with fruits. In fact, in most cases, you won't even know they're in your mixture. If you don't like vegetables or fruit but know you must eat them for weight loss or health reasons, consider...

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Motivation for MORE Results

Motivation for MORE Results

What causes people to burn so brightly with enthusiasm and motivation and then burn out just as quickly? Why do so many people succeed brilliantly in the short term but fail 95 out of 100 times in the long term? Why do so many people reach their fitness goals but...

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Pineapple – The Healing Fruit

Pineapple – The Healing Fruit

For a natural and tasty way to improve health and boost healing capacity, add fresh pineapple and pineapple juice to your diet. Pineapples are nutritionally packed members of the Bromeliad family. Bromelain, is a natural anti-inflammatory with analgesic properties. It...

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Live Long & Prosper!

Live Long & Prosper!

Did you know that every ten years after your mid-twenties, you lose about 10% of your metabolic rate? This does not have to do completely with age, but instead with how active you are. The more active you are, the more muscle mass you retain, or even build. The more...

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